Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles Review

Ball Busting Fun In A Sandbox World

last updated Dec 20, 2023
It’s chaotic, it’s charming, and it's chock-full of cheeky cheer.

Adventures in Ball Land

Imagine a world where bouncy balls aren't just for the puppy playpen—welcome to 'Bang-On Balls: Chronicles', where you'll be careening through cartoony chaos with a level of glee usually reserved for toddlers in a ball pit. This isn't your average jaunt down nostalgia lane with a classic platformer vibe; it's like someone took the old school formula, injected a manic energy drink and put it in a ballsy blender. And guess what? The result is an open-world, cosmetically clad, co-op friendly riot that has us chasing down collectibles like a crazed squirrel preparing for winter.

Sonic Boom or Soggy Fizzle?

Our eardrums were treated (or subjected, depending on your comedy tolerance) to an array of cheeky chuckles and bombastic beats. The soundtrack's mix of historical homages and funky fresh tunes should have you head-bopping as you roll and ricochet through the sprawling levels. You might even find yourself inadvertently chuckling at the array of sounds accompanying the antic-filled action—though if fart jokes aren't your thing, you may want to keep the volume on the low.

A Feast for the Eyeballs

Visually, this game is a plastic surgeon's dream—bold, colorful, and packed with personality. Performance-wise, it's smoother than a jazz musician on a Saturday night, and manages to keep things moving snappily even when the screen's busier than a Black Friday sale at a gaming store. However, the price for this vibrant extravaganza? Occasional bouts of desync that might leave you feeling like you've entered The Matrix. And while the graphics may emit a slightly retro aftershave, they're tailored in a way that flashes style rather than feels stale.

The Unbearable Lightness of Rolling

It's like the developers swallowed a video game encyclopedia, regurgitated it, and then sculpted it into a ball-centric fun-fest. Combat and platforming are as satisfying as popping bubble wrap, and the local co-op design is like a digital trust fall—surprisingly solid and a potential relationship builder/breaker. But, as with any hearty meal, there's a chance of indigestion. Some players have reported losing their wardrobe’s worth of unlockables due to save data issues, which could leave you more heartbroken than a soap opera protagonist with amnesia.

A Ball? Or a Swiss Army Knife?

Customization in ‘Bang-On Balls: Chronicles’ isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s like suiting up your rolly-polly avatar with an entire wardrobe of functional finery that’ll bring extra flair to the historical mayhem. Weapons, outfits, abilities—you name it, this game plasters it onto your ball with a wink and a nod to whatever era you’re smashing through. The varying environments are like a lickable wallpaper of world history, each with a distinct flavor that never fails to tantalize the taste buds of exploration. Game Cover Art
STEAM RATING 96 .95% Developer Exit Plan Games Publisher Untold Tales, CouchPlay Interactive Release Date October 05, 2023

The Verdict

‘Bang-On Balls: Chronicles’ rolls onto the scene with the subtlety of a wrecking ball at a dinner party. It’s chaotic, it’s charming, and it's chock-full of cheeky cheer. While a minor hiccup with save data might give you a pause, the strength of the local co-op, combined with the delightful both solo and multiplayer exploration, ensures that this ball-rolling extravaganza is more than just hot air. For those who like their games with less brood and more ball-bouncing bravado, this is the indie must-have that deserves a bounce on your playlist.

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